Union administration

Branch Officers’ Training

NALC Secretary-Treasurer Nicole Rhine is announcing that two Branch Officers Trainings will be held in January. The first class will be held January 6-9, 2025, in Los Angeles, CA. The second class will be held January 27-30, 2025, in Minneapolis.

Branch Officers Training sessions consist of three and a half days of educational seminars tailored to assist branch presidents, vice presidents, treasurers, recording secretaries, financial secretaries, and trustees in the performance of their duties.

Branch Officers Training covers the basics for financial officers: reporting to the Department of Labor; fiduciary duties under the Landrum-Griffin Act; bonding of branch officers and IRS reporting requirements.

Additional training topics include the NALC Constitution and branch bylaws; branch operations and identifying branch policies; maintaining accurate and complete meeting minutes; member notification requirements; record keeping; branch elections and branch dues and how to read a dues roster.

The registration form for both trainings will be included in the next NALC Bulletin. Branches and State Associations must use the registration form to register for the class.

Note: Do not make airline reservations until you receive an acceptance letter as the training has limited space. For budgeting purposes, the daily room rate for the training in Los Angeles is $209 single/double plus tax. The daily room rate for the training in Minneapolis is $159 single/double plus tax.